I remained calm in spite of my desire to slam demon waiter’s face against the counter. “I think you are mistaken. Where two or more are gathered in God’s name… well, that’s a church. So, yes, this is a pizzeria, and, for the moment a church. Now, take your hand off my arm.”

Demon waiter released my arm. I went to the register to pay for my pizza. Joe stood at the register trying to hold back a smile. He looked at me and did a little wave of his hand. “Not necessary Father, it’s on the house.” 

I returned the smile. “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”

Joe continued smiling and doing his little wave. “Si Father, it is on the house. You have a good night.”

“I shook the pizza maker’s hand. “Thank you, Joe. That is very kind.”

Clare was busy drying her hair and clothes with napkins. As she looked at me, I noticed the absence of the dark blotches previously all over her face. She looked different. She looked hopeful. We stepped outside the restaurant together. “Sorry about the water. It’s part of the sacrament of baptism. It symbolizes the washing away of your sins. If you stick with this and come to church and read the bible, you’ll learn all about it.”

She pulled my arm down as she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “Thanks,” she said. “I’m not sure what the future holds, but for the first time in my life I feel like there may be hope for me.”

“Let me be the first to welcome you to your new life as a Christian.” I took hold of her hand and shook it. “If you come by the friary tomorrow, I’ll have a bible for you as a welcome gift. The Franciscan friary is just three blocks up the street.”

“I’ll do that. Thanks.” She turned, waved, and walked up the street in the opposite direction of the friary.


When I arrived at the friary, I stopped at the storage closet and selected one of the bibles. As I closed the closet door, Fr. Manuel greeted me. “How was your pizza?”

“It was great. Maybe next time I’ll try a calzone.”

“Hmm, that sounds good.” He rubbed his stomach. “Maybe, I’ll come with you.”

“Goodnight, Fr. Manuel.”

“Oh, Oliver, with everything going on today, I forgot to congratulate you on your ordination.” He reached out and shook my hand. “Congratulations, you will make a fine priest. We are lucky to have you.” His expression turned serious for a moment. “But you must take extra care with the female members of the congregation, you being such a strapping fellow and all. You must avoid temptation.”

“Thank you, Yes, Sir. I’m excited about what lies ahead.”

Just then, Fr. Wayne stepped into the room. “Oliver, there’s a pretty young woman downstairs who says you have something for her. She says she’s sorry, but she just couldn’t wait.”


I hope you enjoyed “Ordination Day.” Order a copy of “Persistent Evil” and follow Fr. Oliver as he confronts evil, unlike anything he could imagine.