As I entered the pizzeria, I picked up one of the free newspapers from the stand and pretended to read it. I was really checking the place out to see if any of the people who were preparing pizza’s had demon heads. None. That was good, I did not want to eat a pizza prepared by a demon. Sounds crazy now that I think about it. Everyone in the pizza restaurant had blotches, some faint, others very dark and pronounced. The only one with a demon head was the waiter who spotted me and came up to me.

“You want to sit at a table?” He recognized me from earlier. “Hey, you were in here before with your buddies. Are you OK? What was it you saw when you looked at me? I heard you ask your friends if they noticed anything strange about me.”

I was extremely difficult to look into his demon eyes as his face shifted from demon to human and back to demon, and not react like I had earlier. I smiled and folded my paper. “I’m sorry, I had a bit of a panic attack earlier. I’m overdue for an eye exam and kept seeing spots all day. I’m feeling better now, seeing things as they really are.”

“Cool man, OK. Say, if you ever need anything to help with panic attacks or anything at all. You come see me.” He leaned in close as though we were now best buddies. “I’ve got some good shit. It’ll blow your mind.” He winked. I saw his demon mouth drool. 

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“So, you gonna sit at the counter? Joe will take care of you.” He pointed at the man taking a pizza out of the oven.”

“Thanks.” I took my seat at the counter and looked around. Demon waiter buzzed about the place serving patrons at the tables. 

Joe came up to the counter. “What can I get you?” 

“Two slices of pepperoni please and a coke,” I replied.

Joe took the stub of a pencil which he kept tucked behind the top of his right ear and wrote my order on a small sheet of green receipt paper. Then he put it on the narrow counter behind him with the other order tickets.  Five minutes later, he placed two hot slices of pepperoni pizza and a coke in front of me. “Thanks!” I said.

He nodded and got back to his pizza making.

Half-way through my first slice, a man and a woman entered the restaurant. The man had a demonic head and the woman had blotches on her face. They took their seats at one of the tables. Another customer entered a minute later. She took a seat at the counter next to me.  Even with the blotches on her face, I recognized her as the young woman from my dream. Her face and outstretched hand were emblazoned on my mind.