Peace Be With You in the Sand

Here’s my latest beach doodle. There’s nothing like scratching out an image on the world’s largest etch-a-sketch. This one is at OceanIsle beach. “Peace be with you.”

Amazing Ceramic Sculpture

Amazing Ceramic Sculpture

I visited Artsplosure today and met some amazing artists. Among them was Luis Enrique Gutierrez, a master of contemporary ceramic sculpture. I was blown away at the level of detail and rich color themes of his work, absolutely stunning. He learned his art from his father Helio Gutierrez. Check out some of his work at

I also learned about NICA Ceramic Art which was born out of the Peace Corps experience of founder Paul H. Devoti in the indigenous pottery pueblo of San Juan de Oriente, Nicaragua. It’s an incredible hotbed of amazing gallery quality ceramic art.  NICA’s mission is to provide exposure for the ceramic artwork of the master artisans of the pueblo as well as the Nicoyan Indian heritage behind their craft. Check out some of the other great artisans at